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The Inventory Control spreadsheet is an important tool that informs the owner of the physical and financial value that he has "tied up" in products and components. Excessive inventory guarantees delivery availability, but is costly to the owner. It represents assets that could favor cash flow. On the other hand, very low inventory reduces costs but can lead to eventual failure to meet demand, which represents loss of sales and damage to the company's image.

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Through 5 steps, you can control your company's inventory and determine product levels that do not compromise the company's finances or image.

1. Register the products: Record details such as supplier, product unit, such as piece, liter, etc., its unit purchase value, the minimum stock that guarantees supply stability to customers and the initial stock present in the company of that product.

2. Record product entries: Purchases of raw materials, components and products must be recorded. Enter the product code to automatically fill in its description and unit. Then, enter the date of purchase of the items as well as the quantity of items purchased. The total financial value of the purchase is made available shortly thereafter.

3. Record product outputs: In the same way that inputs are recorded, outputs must be recorded. They are represented by the consumption of raw materials, components or the sale of products. Enter the product code to automatically fill in its description and unit. Then, enter the date of sale or consumption of the items as well as the quantity of items sold. The total financial value of the sale is made available immediately.

4. Analyze inventory control: Inventory control is performed automatically by the spreadsheet. It contains an assessment of the flow by product code. It contains the code, description, unit, minimum stock, initial stock, input quantity, output quantity, the balance in physical and financial quantities, as well as an analysis of the stock level, which may be below the minimum stock or even negative. In this case, an alert is generated to avoid inconsistencies in the records.

5. Print a management report: The management report shows the overall financial value of items in stock, as well as a ranking of the 20 most valuable items, the 20 items with the highest and lowest stock balances. Does inventory control reflect the planned quantity? How are our stocks doing? The print report shows in detail the monitoring of these items in the company. They show whether the company is well prepared to be COMPETITIVE or not!

Note: The above product should be considered only as a complement in the execution of activities. It does not exempt the user from adequate monitoring by a qualified professional in the area, in order to obtain greater reliability in the execution of the task.

Inventory control spreadsheet

SKU: 030402
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Control your company's inventory in just 5 steps:

1. Register the products;
2. Record product entries;
3. Record product outputs;
4. Analyze the graphs;
5. Print an executive report to make inventory adjustment decisions.

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