This Production Control spreadsheet is used to automate production records and perform efficiency analyses, compare actual production with planned production (or the target) and note the events that impacted a possible failure to achieve the target.
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Follow the steps below to gain control of your company's production.
1. Determine a production target based on a production plan: Establish the number of production days, the time available for each shift, and the planned productivity for each production shift.
2. Evaluate the mix and downtime to fine-tune the target (or plan) value: The production mix table is an auxiliary table in which the average productivity and downtime in the month are estimated based on production records and production time and maintenance downtime, setup, among others.
3. Monitor production by recording production per shift and scheduled downtime: The control table shows the daily efficiency for each shift and a summary at the end of the month with the total production of each shift, the number of hours consumed, its efficiency, as well as the representativeness of the shift in terms of overall production in the company. Note any deviations that occur, such as defective products, machine breakdowns and corrective maintenance, i.e., unforeseen events.
4. Analyze the graphs intuitively: Graphic reports show the result of planned values versus actual production, as well as the efficiency achieved during the month. This information is the basis for determining action plans and seeking improvements in operational deficiencies perceived throughout the month.
5. Print an executive report to make decisions to increase efficiency: The final report has the consolidated results and main graphs of your business.
Note: The above product should be considered only as a complement in the execution of activities. It does not exempt the user from adequate monitoring by a qualified professional in the area, in order to obtain greater reliability in the execution of the task.
Production control spreadsheet
Control your company's production in just 5 steps:
1. Determine a production goal;
2. Evaluate the mix and downtime;
3. Control production;
4. Analyze the graphs;
5. Print an executive report.